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One of my pet peeves is being an after thought. I can never figure out for the life of me why I am never included with everyone else. Have you ever felt left out? Are you struggling to fit in? Does it seem like you're different than everyone else? Do you wonder why everyone was included but you? I have been there and if you don't recognize the signs of rejection, this cycle will consume you. This is where Simply Worth H.E.R. comes in - a Christian-based platform for all women to help support you in dealing with the cycle of rejection which can be a challenging and complex process. Through a series of blogs, classes, conferences, gatherings and self-paced studies, my goal is to help you rise above and move forward in seeing yourself as worthy, the way God sees you.


The acronym in Simply Worth H.E.R. means simply worth HAPPINESS, simply worth EXCELLENCE and simply worth RESILIENCY. Simply put, I choose to live my life happy, everything I do is with excellence, and when life happens, I can be resilient and strive to bounce back effortlessly.​


It's important to keep in mind that rejection does not define your worth or value as a person. Rather, it presents an opportunity for growth and learning.


By relying on your faith and seeking guidance and support from others, you can navigate the difficult emotions that come with rejection and emerge from the experience with newfound strength and resilience.


Remember, rejection is not the end of the road, but rather a stepping stone on your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.

Misty Mountains

"YOU have BEEN
assigned THIS mountain
it CAN be MOVED"
author unknown

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